November 1, 2009

A sweet tooth with a purpose

One of my best friends recently experienced a revelation. After completely dedicating 3.5 years of her life to a rigorous nursing school, she has decided that all she really wants to do is open up a bakery.

I immediately thought of her when I read my GOOP (Gwenyth Paltrow's blog) weekly email about three completely sugar-obsessed girls who love to bake sweets. These girls' passion stemmed from an extreme case of a sweet tooth and has grown into various weekends of marathon baking. After these baking frenzies would subside, there would be an enormous amount of treats left....

Hence, begun their Treat it's most basic sense, a lemonade stand...of sweets.

So, to my sweet friend with dreams to one day open your own sweets shop, here is some inspiration.

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